EU climate policy

In 2021, the EU adopted a new climate law meaning that emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced by at least 55 percent by 2030. For residential buildings, the member states must ensure that the average energy used by the residential housing stock is reduced by 16 percent until 2030 and by 20–22 percent until 2035. Buildings with the worst energy performance must be renovated more and account for at least 55% of the energy reduction.

Today, it is unclear exactly which rules will apply to individual buildings. If the main rule is applied to Hjorthagshus’ eight buildings, these must reduce their energy use by 600,000 kWh/year until 2030 – from today’s approximately 3,800,000 kWh/year down to 3,200,000 kWh/year. Until 2035, the reduction must be 760,000 – 836,000 kWh/year and be a maximum of approximately 3,000,000 kWh/year.