
Deep Energy Retrofit (DER) provides several important benefits for the members and the association:

  • Lower annual fees
  • Minimal climate impact
  • Higher tenant-owned flat value
  • Better comfort (cold drafts in winter disappear)
  • Immunity to future energy price
  • A different feeling to the membership and living in the association (lowest possible climate impact, “we are doing something”)
  • Upcoming regulatory requirements for reduced energy use have already been addressed
  • Reduced vulnerability to external disturbances (interruptions in energy supplies)

Housing costs (the annual fee) in Hjorthagshus will be significantly reduced because current energy purchases constitute a large portion of the association’s cost mass. When the energy purchases end and management are improved, the annual fees can be reduced and each monthly payment to the association will be reduced by up to 40 – 45 percent. It can also become free (when the annual fee is zero) to live in Hjorthagshus; the possibility and probability for this is mentioned Finance. There are associations with zero annual fee, a small number of associations pay dividends to their members, i.e. the members are paid to live in their flats.

For the full increase in flat value of about 15 percent to come true, the maintenance of the buildings must be improved and the garden brought to decent standard. Improved maintenance creates less expenses and allows the association’s long-term costs to be lower because unnecessary future maintenance measures are avoided. The expected increase in value of 15 percent increases the flat value of a 40 m2 by approximately SEK 450,000 and approximately SEK 500,000 for the flats with 44 m2. The total capital gain for the members will be approximately SEK 175 million.

Energy security and autonomy

In the event of interruptions in external energy supplies, Hjorthagshus can be completely unaffected, and life can go on as before if we have carried out Deep Energy Retrofit and acquired our own energy equipment. Energy autonomy can be achieved! Energy autonomous buildings are currently located in Västerås, Växjö and Malmö. Buildings that deliver a substantial energy surplus can be found in Gothenburg, among other places.

When district heating is turned off, our buildings are heat-tight and run on heat pumps, the houses will be warm and hot water will be available even when the district heating has service interruptions. If electricity supplies also cease, we can have lighting and heating for a certain period of time with electricity stored in batteries. Some battery types – flow batteries – can keep electricity for three months or more. During this time, they will be replenished by the solar cells. Storage of electricity in hydrogen is also a possibility. Backup power with engine-driven generators enables the association’s buildings to have both heat and electricity for a long time, possibly for several years. Such backup solutions can be found in various government buildings in the vicinity of the association.

Large detached house in Gothenburg producing twice the building’s energy need. The surplus is, among other things, used for electrical vehicles.